Coconut oil has been all over lifestyle blogs, social media, and product advertisements as the new health trend. Pure virgin coconut oil contains antioxidants, helps your body fight against fungal and viral infections, and can be used to make organic toothpaste. While it is not recommended for intake by those with high cholesterol due to its high concentration of saturated fats, it contains nutrients that can improve the quality of your hair and skin –regardless of your cholesterol levels! It’s ability to penetrate into the *cortex of the hair follicle, allows it to nourish your hair instead of coat the surface. Check out some of the healing properties of coconut oil below.
Stimulates Hair Growth
That’s right! Coconut oil is high in fatty acids, which bind with the protein in your hair to preserve moisture and foster hair growth. Coconut oil is also rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin E, and iron, which help to soften the hair follicle.
Rejuvenates Scalp
Coconut oil masks lock the nutrients of the oil into your scalp, moisturizing and nourishing it to prevent dandruff. It’s like lotion for your scalp! Likewise, coconut oil can be used instead of your conditioner.
Improves Shine
With all of the added nutrients that coconut oil provides, hair that is dull either from colour treatment or the winter wind can be have a healthy shine and soft texture.
Due to the penetrative nature of coconut oil, it can be used on all hair textures to soften hair, BUT be weary of overuse as that can cause protein build-ups if you have coarse or very dry hair.
Prevents Breakage
The fatty acids present in coconut oil help retain moisture and prevent the hair from drying out and breaking, adding to the overall length of your hair!
SPF for your hair!
Coconut oil is a natural sunscreen! It can also protect against chlorine, salt, and wind damage, so before you hit the waves, put on some coconut oil!
Protects against heat
Most of us use heat to style our hair, whether it’s a quick and cool diffuser, or a full out straighten and re-curl routine. It is no secret that heat weakens hair and causes breakage, so a weekly coconut oil hair mask will infuse your hair with proteins to make it more resilient.
Wow! Who knew a single saturated fat could do so much good for our manes. Check out the recipe below for a DIY all-natural coconut oil hair mask that’s fun to make and easy to store.

DIY Organic Coconut Oil Hair Mask
What you need:
- Extra Virgin coconut oil
- Essential peppermint oil
- A bowl
- A brush
- Plastic wrap
Step 1: Put 2 tablespoons of Extra Virgin coconut oil into a bowl, and add 2-3 drops of essential peppermint oil.
Step 2: Fill sink with 1-2 inches hot water, and set the bowl in it to soften the coconut oil. This will take 10-15 seconds.
Step 3: Mix the contents of the bowl until a creamy texture is achieved.
Step 4: Use the brush to dip into the coconut oil mixture and starting from your scalp, run the brush through your hair.
Step 5: Repeat until head is evenly covered. Wrap plastic sheet around your hair to prevent dripping and retain the oils. Wait 20-30 minutes.
Step 6: Wash hair out with natural shampoo, thoroughly. Dry and style as desired.
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